About ME and What makes
Me Tick and Able to
do what I do.

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    I have the documentation of my performance on the WAIS full-scale four-hour test, resulting in a “Full scale I.Q. within the Very Superior Range, thus exceeding that of 99.2 % of the population".
    I am a computer geek and mathematician. I was self-taught in computers starting in 1983. I learned networking on jobs later. I have built six websites with SeaMonkey so that I can fix the code behind web pages. I have three high power computers in my office. They are six, four and three times more power than the average home computer. I use them to conduct my diabetic studies which has made it possible to reduce the range of sugars by 50%.
    I have a Patent #5,285,988 issued 10/11/93 on a leaf bagger I invented. I called it the "Bowgie Bagger". I made it out of cardboard. It was designed to hold a 39-gallon plastic bag. Laid flat on the grass you would see each end had its own two sides. The way it worked you folded it in half and swung each of the sides, so they overlapped each other on each side and then dropped your bag into it and pulled the bag down around the outside of the bagger to hold it together standing freely. I could do it in two minutes. The concept was then you would have a round top that tapered to the 39 inches with the bag at the bottom of the bagger. A trapezoid concept. You then automatically always fill the bottom corners of the bag. The patent attorney I went to said it would take 12 to 15 years because there already were thousands on file and the cost would be somewhere between $10,000 and $15, 000. However, my concept was so unique it only took nine months and $2,217.23. I copyrighted the name for it as "Bowgie Bagger". It never sold, people never thought it would stand up because it would soften from rain and collapse. I have used it ever since without that problem I still have one left.

    I am a homeowner and bought it on February 6, 2009. I am a recluse and widower who lives alone, because of a promise I made to my wife. I met my wife on 3/25/71 and married Her 3/25/72. She died 1/17/2008. I have all the symptoms of non-senescent cells, (ageing cells). Which is why I never tan or get sunburned. I never have and do not smoke or drink.
     I am in exceptionally good health. Physically I can do the work of a 36-year-old man. In October 2019, I told my doctor, since all my lab tests were perfect that I was 30-years old. She said, “No Tom, you are 36”. So, since I was born 5/23/39 and I was 80-years old then, and I think I am 30 which makes a difference of 50. So, 80 plus 50 means I can live to 130, planning on it.
    The only TV I watch is NASCAR, a couple cable news programs, the weather channel and good Hallmark movies, two a night. Only the ones that do not put the lead actress under any stress or conflict or tough decisions to make. They bring back memories of my wife and that is how She lived.
    High School Anoka Minnesota, Graduated 1957. All A’s except for a B in Latin in my freshman year. Highest ranking boy, seventh out of 217. The girls were smarter because they took typing class, I am a two-finger wonder. This has cost me a lot over the years.
    University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology School of Physics. Completed all five required years required for a degree in Nuclear Physics. However, could not learn to read French and Russian science papers. Never graduated, but got a two-year “Certificate in Science” from the University of Minnesota Institute of Technology.


Changes Made
to the "R/T'

My Trip up
35E at 185 mph/a>

Other Hot Cars
I have owned

Our Life with
the "R/T"

My 6 Websites

About Me